Your donations to the VMO-6 Memorial qualify as a 501(c)19 nonprofit charitable contribution through an affiliation agreement with the Marine Corps Combat Helicopter Association (CHA) and are tax deductable.
Go to the "Donations Form" page for a printable " Donation Form."
Please make checks payable to: VMO-6 Memorial Fund/USMC CHA.
Mail to:
VMO-6 Memorial Fund
P. O. Box 222
Mount Vernon, VA 22121-0222
Thomas Ackers
James R. Acreback (2)*
Edward E. Alexander
David Amesquita
BGen. John C. Arick (2)*
June J. Armstrong (2)*
Richard C. Ault
Mark K. "Scooter" Bakaitis
David A. Ballentine (2)*
James J. Bastien
Jack Battaglia
David W. Bennett
Charles E. Bethel
Elizabeth Birney
John Boden (2)*
Jon R. “Dick” Boston (2)*
William O. Brennen
Versa (Friend) Brewster (2)*
Gary R. Bright (2)*
Raymond L. Britt (2)
Richard Burbine
Robert W. Burkman
Dave BushlowK. C. Carlon
Marshall N. Carter
Fred B. Ceconi
Jerry W. Chatelain (2)*
Chris Chatelain
Annette T. Clough
Daniel J. Cobb
Roy A. Connelly
Tom T. Constantine (3)*
Dennis Coochyouma
Luther B. Cook
Robert T. Core (2)*
Charmian J. Cretney
Rodney E. Croft (2)*
Calvin S. Croom
Robert W. Crutcher
Susan Ann Cuddy (2)*
Tom and Sue Dauterman
Jeff and Patty Day
Kenneth Debelak
Darwin E. Dederick
Demosthenes "Rocky" Demopoulos
Donald L. Denman
James C. Doering
Rich Donaghy
Floyd W. Dooley, Sr.(2)*
Dan Dressler
Thomas Drought
Tod Eikenbery
Calvin D. Emanus
Richard C. Ethier, Sr (2)*.
Mary and Bob Evans
Rupert E. "Skeets" Fairfield
Georgine J. Farish
Vicki G. Farish
Glenn L. Ferguson
William T. Finan
Jack L. Fox
Fred Frahm
Charles Frey
Mary M. Fricker
Arthur G. Friend (*)*
Robert Fuhrmann

VMO-6 Memorial Fund Supporters:
David J. Gay
C. G. "Jug" Gerard
Marian J. Gilliand
George L. Glotzbach
Steve Gonsalves
Michael A. Gonzalez
Tom Good
Jim & Pamela Rives Goode
Helen M. GoodenMichael D. Gooden
Stephen M. Gooden
Peter N. Greene (2)*
Roger "Rod" Gregory James R. "JR" Grimmer
Richard K. Haines
Elsie S. Hall
Gary M. Hall, The Potomac Advantage
Gale Harlan (2)*
Edward "Pete" HarrisEdmond L. "Bud" Hart (2)*
Herbert M. Hart
Ron Heald
Ted Herrmann
Greg and Heather Higdon
Klaus P. Hille Thomas R. HopkinsJoseph C. Jablonski (2)
O.E. "Sonny" James
Ricky L. JohnsonWilliam J. KeoughEdward B. Keyes
Steve E. Kirwan
Walter J. Kmiec
Stan Krueger
Edward KufeldtKathy M. Kufeldt
BGen Coleman D. Kuhn
Rhonda Kurtis
Charles "Chuck" Lea
James C. Lieber
Jerry Louie
Nick E. Lowery
Robert E. "Bob" LundWilliam F. LykensCharlotte H. Maas (2)*Julie and K.J. Maas III
Michael B. Maas
Charles Maddocks
David J. Maestrini
Clifford G. Maloney
LtGen William R. Maloney
Francis Marinelli
Justin "Jerry" Martin
Roger P. Mazikowski
Bill McCutchen
William A. "Bill" McGaw
Kimberly M. Michael
William H. "Bill" Miles
Donald J. Miller (2)*William D. Mohilla
Al Monroe (2)*
Laurie and Paul Moore
John R. Morgan
Gene W. Morrison
Arthur J. Nelson
Charles H. NobleGlenn "Andy" Olson (2)*
James Owens
Paula Page
Tony Pecoraro
James "Jim" Perryman
Jeffrey C. "Jeff" Pickett (2)*
Arthur S. Piper (2)
Major Stephen W. Pless (MOH)
Peter A. PorterEdwin B. "Ed" and Linda PowellRobert E. Presson (2)
Ron Pyron
Lance S. Reinke (2)*
Michael J. RemmeRobert N. Ritorto (3)*
George Rosental
Bruce "Barney" J. RossPeter Rounseville (2)*
Jim Sammons
Edward J. Sample
David G. Schoenherr (2)*
Lou Sessinger
John M. Shea
Suzanne and Sylvester Shearhan
Edward W. Shellhamer
Patricia A. Sherwood
J. Michael and Annette Shields
H. Steve Shoemaker
Steven Sipes
David T. Sites
William A. Slivinski (2)*
John SoudersGarrison A. Southard (2)*
Eric Sperger
Greg Steele (2)*
Joseph E. Sturtevant (2)*John J. Sullivan
S. Donald Sussman
MajGen. Larry S. Taylor
Barry D. Teel
Monte J. Tennes (2)*
William Terrace
George Torinese
Marion C. "Red" Trivette (2)*
David C. Tunmire (2)*
Joe and Cindy Turner (2)*
Joe B. TylerNorman Tyndall
Pamela Unger
Gary A. Walkins
Thomas R. Ward Richard E. Warne
George W. Wastila
K.D. Waters
Robert Welch
John A. Weliver (2)*John W. Welsh
James D. "Wes" Westendorf (8)*
Bob and LaWana Whaley
Henry "Butch" Wheatley
Horace H. "Howie" Whitaker (2)*
LtGen. William J. White (2)*
Leroy F. "Lee" WhithamDonald L. “Larry” Wright
Douglas L. Wright
Patricia Wright
Wayne A. Wright
Maureen Zander
Number of Donations
Amount Categories
Total Per Category
Total as of 2 June 2012: