VMO-6 Reunion, 2018, St. Louis. Photos submitted by Ed Kufeldt

VMO-6 Reunion
St. Louis, MO
5-9 SEP 2018
Final Report
Although the squadron attendance at the reunion was less than anticipated, the event was enjoyable and successful. Those in attendance thoroughly enjoyed the conversations and retelling of heroics and exploits of yesteryear. Everyone had a great time. It was a pleasure to have LtGen Bill Maloney (VMO-6 CO, 23 Jul 1966 - 26 Mar 1967) in attendance and to learn of his perspective on squadron operations during his tenure.
Those who attended:
Ed Alexander
Dave Ballentine
Douglas Baker & son-in-law Edgar Guerrero, USN (Ret)
John Boden
Dick Boston
Gary Bright
KC Carlon
Rod & Mary Croft
Art & Carolyn Friend
Richard Haines
Chip & Diane Jones
James & Sandra King
Ed & Kathy Kufeldt
LtGen William (Bill) Maloney
Mike Pearson
Tony Pecoraro
Robert Sandoval & Army friend Joe M. Aaron
David & Marge Schoenherr
Steve Shoemaker
David & Betty Tunmire
Joe & Cindy Turner
KD Waters
Larry & Pat Wright
As the result of donations made by attendees and some who didn't attend, we were able to fulfill all financial obligations. A special thanks to BGen John Arick, Richard Ethier, Robert Sandoval, Art Friend, Dave Bushlow, John Weliver, Mike Pearson, and Gale Heaivilin for their exceptional, generous financial support. Additionally, Richard Haines is recognized for his outstanding support by "minding" the squadron reservations, tracking financial matters, and managing the snacks and beverages for the hootch.
Briefed at the squadron dinner and the continual desire to have a VMO-6 (only squadron) reunion, Larry Wright is developing plans for a San Diego based event during October 2019. The tentative plans include a bus trip to Camp Pendleton, Leatherneck Aviation Museum at MCAS Maramar, and some San Diego sights. In the near future, he will be sending emails with more details and be the coordinator for the reunion. Please stay tuned.
Three additional pictures are posted below. The first two depict a UH-1E tail rotor blade and the story behind it. I'm sure many of us flew the aircraft before the blade was damaged. Dave Ballentine was given the blade, mounted it and brought it to the reunion. It was suggested that when Dave is older and unable to fly that he send it to the Leatherneck Aviation Museum to be displayed.
The third picture depicts who we are. Ed Alexander recently sent the remarks and I think you will agree with its sentiments and it speaks to all that were in VMO-6.
Ed Kufeldt
Once the wings go on, they never come off, whether they can be seen, or not. It fuses to the soul through adversity, fear and adrenaline and no one who has ever worn them with pride, integrity and guts, can ever sleep through the ‘call of the wild ` that wafts through bedroom windows in the deep of the night. When a good pilot (crew member) leaves the `job' and retires, many are jealous, some are pleased and yet others, who may have already retired, wonder. We wonder if he knows what he is leaving behind, because we already know. We know, for example, that after a lifetime of camaraderie that few experience, it will remain as a longing for those past times. We know in the world of flying, there is a fellowship which lasts long after the flight suits are hung up in the back of the closet. We know even if he throws them away, they will be on him with every step and breath that remains in his life. We also know how the very bearing of the man speaks of what he was and in his heart still is. Because we fly, we envy no man on earth.
Author ~ Unknown